Friday, May 5, 2017

Hmwrk 8(or maybe 7?)

This ted talk was awesome I love J.J. Abrams "The Force Awakens" was done very well! I understand what he's getting across and it's a pretty cool message. At least I believe he's trying to say things don't have to be black and white meaning don't put limitations on yourself! An example of this is how he had Tom Cruise use his own hand in basically this torture scene because the other actor was hurting Cruise. This shows how Abrams thought about a unique and different method outside of the norm to get his scene across.

Project 4: Brand Design

Standard Logo

Black and White Logo

Business Card


Friday, April 21, 2017

Project 4 Misson Statement

My company is called "Family Discount" a streetwear clothing and sneaker company that focuses on providing consignment sneakers and clothing at affordable prices. I really want my company to render a big focus on urban city lifestyle, and its personal connection with the community!

Thursday, April 20, 2017

Project 3: Rise Above Poster!

(This is the edit I realized I accidentally spelt "Influence" wrong also I got rid of the other figure and moved the wording over like you suggested.)

Friday, April 7, 2017

Hmwrk 7

This was a great article!The first thing that stood out to me was the "keep your line lengths short"aspect that the article covered. This is a big thing that I always keep in mind when working with computer programs. Know one wants to read lengthy sentences it gets tiresome and confusing after a while.Its good to know that, that's a major rule to follow according to that article. Even though I put a focus to that rule all of them were helpful and insightful!