Friday, January 20, 2017

1. Im average with computers if things go wrong with computers I'm using I always figure out how to fix it eventually.
2. I don't have a lot of experience with both photoshop and illustrator, i've played around with them on friends computers before.
3. I sort of have a computer my laptop is having issues so I use a friends computer, but no both of those computers don't have them.
4. My major is computer graphics.
5.I hope to get a better understanding of both photoshop and illustrator from this class.
6. Its tough to say, but right now id say my biggest artist inspiration right now is an artist that goes by the name Kaws.
7. I don't really have a favorite musician i like a lot of different genres so its hard to say.
8. I like to draw.
9. One night I was walking home through the woods.
I always walk through the woods, but tonight was different.
All I could hear was heavy breathing.
My body started feeling slow and sluggish I felt like I was in a paralysis.
I realized I needed to go to the gym I was eating to many McChickens.

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