Sunday, March 12, 2017

Hmwrk 6

This assignment is tough I like a lot of different movie posters. If I had to choose one It'd definitely be the Japanese poster for "Star Wars Return of the Jedi". I really do love that poster mainly because of the way it's covered with characters.The way the red bold lettering contradicts the moody colors used for the rest of the poster is something I also like. However the main aspects that ultimately led me to choose the poster is Darth Vader. The way he's portrayed in this poster makes him look like the big bad ass character that he is!

Friday, March 3, 2017

Movie poster premise

My movie will be called Ninja Kid and it'll be based around a kid whose a genius with ninja traits. No matter if it's stealth, weaponry handling, hand to hand combat, or just smart thinking. The kid is superior at his profession than all his peers, however there is one person who poses a threat to him. Somebody who was also regarded as a prodigy at a young age!

Movie Poster Test Trial

Thursday, March 2, 2017

Hmwrk 5

Before the article gets into Dustin Stanton's work they ask him about his background and how he initially got started designing movie posters. When he responded he said something that I really liked which was "In the hallways at the agency, all the posters that they had designed were hanging and I was a bit struck by it all, thinking...'Wow, I could do that too!" I love that quote, I feel the same way about all the things I find interesting rather it be designing graphics, painting, or drawing when I see others works instead of thinking its impossible for me to do I always tell myself I can do that no matter how grand the work may be. This might seem arrogant, but I believe having a high confidence in a more creative work field is very important. Stanton had that confidence and created awesome posters. From "There Will Be Blood" to "The Master" these posters would of never came into fruition if Stanton wasn't confident in his abilities.